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The Israel-Egypt border at Rafah is the result of the 1979 peace treaty between the two countries, which returned the Sinai Peninsula to Egyptian control. The crossing is vital for the movement of people and goods in and out of Gaza, as well as for humanitarian aid.
By Joanna Robin and Brenda Medina
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Northwest Afirca

Published on 08 SEP 2023 8:00 am ET.  

Earl Warren during his Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court tenure, through Stare Decisis set the course for equitable justice in United States. Leonard Leo and members of the Federalist Society sought to dismantle this work. 

Marxism, class and Revolution in Africa: the Legacy of the 1917 Russian Revolution.

Did Western Military Presence Help Foster Coup in Niger.

Liliana Dimitrova, LL.B., LL.M.


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Published on 08 SEP 2023 8:00 am ET. 

Leonard Leo the Invisible Hand That Reshaped the US. Supreme Court but Was It for the Better?
Earl Warren during his Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court tenure, through Stare Decisis set the course for equitable justice in United States. Leonard Leo and members of the Federalist Society sought to dismantle this work. 
Leonard Leo used Federalist Society.jpg

Liliana Dimitrova, LL.B., LL.M.


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Published on 08 SEP 2023 8:00 am ET. 

After Suffering Western Oil Embargos and Price Caps Russia Ships First Oil to Brazil. 
Russian oil has not been shipped to Brazzil since 2016. Sanctions as well as the price cap, have made it difficult for the country to find outlets.   

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USA & NATO Responsible for Ukraine War, Says Poll Taken in Germany & France 

Liliana Dimitrova, LL.B., LL.M.

Published on 08 SEP 2023 8:00 am ET.  


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A holding company is a type of business that owns other businesses. Sounds cool, right? But why would you want to do that? Well, there are some benefits to having a holding company.

Liliana Dimitrova, LL.B., LL.M.

Published on 08 SEP 2023 8:00 am ET.  


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You've conserved the land — now what?  

Good stewardship requires money, planning and strong relationships to meet your obligations.

Liliana Dimitrova, LL.B., LL.M.

Published on 08 SEP 2023 8:00 am ET.  


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OECD releases International Standards for Automatic Exchange of Information in Tax Matters.


Latin American countries make headway on transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes, with margin for improvements.

Published on 08 SEP 2023 8:00 am ET.  

The International Tax Competitiveness Index.


A competitive tax code is one that keeps marginal tax rates low. In today's globalized world, capital is highly mobile.

Published on 08 SEP 2023 8:00 am ET.  

Eileen Ford launched Ford Modeling Agency in 1946 with her husband Jerry, an agency which repped some of the biggest names in modeling.

Liliana Dimitrova, LL.B., LL.M.

Published on 08 SEP 2023 8:00 am ET.  


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Investment Strategies


Liliana Dimitrova, LL.B., LL.M.

Published on 08 SEP 2023 8:00 am ET.  


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How the Corporate Transparency Act Could be an Opportunity for CPAs and Accounting Firms.


The new Corporate Transparency Act could open doors for many tax & accounting firms that want to expand their services to corporate clients.

Published on 08 SEP 2023 8:00 am ET.  

The Age of Digital Currency

The Age of Digital Currency

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